In celebration of a new era for BD Barcelona, we have selected a group of works representing the best of the brand, both past and present. The campaign was developed in collaboration with the renowned French American photographer David Luraschi, known for his colourful and dynamic fashion cam...
The HOMI Milano is an international trade fair for interior design and upscale home decor, which takes place twice a year in the Fair of Milan. It is directed exclusively to trade visitors. The exhibition is divided into 10 areas: living habits, fragrances & personal care, gift & events, kid...
“Little Gem” is the tagline chosen for the annual event, underlining and emphasizing the importance of our most intimate personal values and the environments designed for them, be they public or private spaces. Ranging from grand-scale to cozy, they are inestimably important, which is why Faoma trea...
In conjunction with the Milan Salone del Mobile, Faoma will be present at Fuorisalone 2018 and is participating in the project "The Secret Colours of Milan" in collaboration with Marie Claire Maison and Studio Piva - Galleria Manzoni - Milan.The colour brown has been chosen for the Room of Dreams wh...
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